Womens Healthcare


Myths & Facts about C-section

IF A WOMAN CAN GET PREGNANT NATURALLY SHE CAN HAVE A BABY NATURALLY. Many women died during childbirth before C-Sections became common place. Caesarean sections were invented to prevent women & babies dying from complications during labour & delivery & this could be easily avoided with a surgical procedure.   WOMEN WHO HAVE C-SECTIONS ARE NOT INTERESTED IN AND MISS
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Smart Life at 40 Plus for Women (Few Tips)

Stay energetic-Love your job Engage in some creative hobby or meaningful work Challenge your mind by solving puzzles, playing chess or Sudoku Make a healthy eating pattern with diet rich in plenty of vegetables, fruits, multigrain, nuts, eggs, lean meat, fish and poultry Take regular Calcium, Vitamin D, mineral sand multivitamin supplements Self-Care-Self-care is taking care of yourself, Body, Mind
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