Womens Healthcare


IVF(In Vitro Fertilisation ) TREATMENT

IVF Treatment : IVF or ‘in-vitro’ treatment means ‘in glass’, which is where the term ‘test tube baby’ originates. However, no test tubes are actually involved in the process. It seems deceptively simple to mix sperm and eggs together until the eggs are fertilized, but it requires closely controlled laboratory conditions and skilled embryologists to maintain. Once the eggs are
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Fibroids and Infertility

It’s a medical fact that most women will have fibroids during their life time. Usually, fibroid development occurs when a woman is in her thirties and forties. In the past, women of this age would have already completed a family. But today, many women have children later in life. It’s common to start a family in your thirties or even
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Breastfeed: Give the Gift of a Lifetime to Your Baby

The Gift The gift of: Feeling safe and loved Fewer doctor visits for illness and allergies Doing better in school A better chance for a healthy adult weight A lower risk of cancer and diabetes. The First 30 Days The first 30 days of breastfeeding are the most important because this is the time when: You and your baby get
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Endometriosis & its Impact on Fertility

Endometriosis develops when tissue resembling the endometrium starts growing outside the uterus. The most common symptoms are period pain, painful sexual intercourse and infertility. There are different theories about the causes of endometriosis , but to simplify the discussion we will concentrate on retrograde menstruation as a possible cause. ( it refers to backward menstruation through the fallopian tubes into
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Polycystic ovary syndrome

I have PCOS- what should I eat to restore my ovulation, get pregnant naturally or improve my eggs in IVF? This question is very frequent one in fertility clinic OR OBGYN-Practices All women with PCOS have to battle with the disappointments of diagnosis, the fear of anovulation and sub-fertility. The exact cause of the disease is unknown. The American society
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A Pregnant Pause: Miscarriage

"There is such a deep shame attached to not being able to carry a baby to term.... I don't want another baby, I want THIS baby." Suffering a miscarriage is an agonizing process for the couples affecting them both psychologically & physically. It comes with a feeling of hopelessness & loss. A question persistently comes to your mind, what did
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Fertility boosting foods

Key Benefits of the Fertility Diet: The Fertility Diet includes high antioxidant foods for Egg Health and Sperm Health. Eggs and sperm are delicate cells in the body; they need protection from free radicals (unstable molecules that harm them). Egg Health and likewise sperm health are impacted by the free radicals we are all exposed to in our daily lives. If
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FACTS ABOUT SMOKING & INFERTILITY If you are smoking & trying to get pregnant stop smoking now. Quitting may be one of the best thing you can do for your health & fertility. When you smoke the harmful substances spread throughout your body & affect your organs. Harmful substances of cigarette smoke: 4,000 chemical compounds 43 carcinogens or poisons 300
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Common Pregnancy Discomforts and Their Solution

Pregnancy is like a joyride. On one side you have lots of excitement and happiness and another side there are discomforts and weird symptoms which leave you stressed out. These discomforts are not dangerous but they may need some attention. Read this article to know how to deal with these problems. Nausea and Vomiting: Nausea and vomiting are very common
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Myths & Facts about Periods

You can’t go swimming when you have your period. There is no reason to not go swimming when you have your period. You can use tampons. You should avoid sex when you have your period. Sex during your period is fine as long as you & your partner are both consenting. Exercise is bad for you when you have your
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